Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Physician Burnout By Specialty

(healthday)—nearly half of physicians report being burned out, but rates vary substantially by medical specialty, according to an article published in ama wire.. The 2015 medscape physician lifestyle report looks at worsening physician burnout. what are some of the associated factors?. Urologists and cardiologists were among the top specialties who were least likely to seek professional help for their burnout; psychiatrists were the most likely, followed by plastic surgeons, public health physicians, pediatricians, obstetrician-gynecologists, and dermatologists..

Burnout in surgeons

Burnout in surgeons

The response from emergency physicians was sobering; more than 65% of respondents reported burnout. the next closest specialty, general internal medicine, reported a burnout rate of less than 55%. this compared with 27.8% in the nonphysician population. on the other end of the medical spectrum, the lowest levels of burnout were found in the specialty known as preventative medicine. When thinking about becoming a physician, medical students might be interested in knowing which specialties can be considered the most stressful.... Association of clinical specialty with symptoms of burnout and regret among us resident physicians.

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